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Trevor Brazile's Polaris RANGER Ranch Collection

I just remember starting out knowing that I had a limited budget and I had to make it work. I had one go at this so didn't have a back-up. Plan rodeos grand prize is the all-around championship. It's the most money won over all the events and they only give one and that's the only buckle that says cowboy on it. I wanted to be known as a cowboy.


Well if you lined all the world champions that came before me and after me with, strictly physical stature, and guys that you would just think might be labeled the king of the Cowboys, I might be one of the last ones picked. Lucky for me I wasn't afraid to work and I rode some of the best horses in the sport.


Anybody who's had a RANGER knows how much easier makes life on a ranch. It's kind of a running joke. We've replaced horses with horsepower. So, whether it be feeding the horses, speeding up the process of being able to round up bigger pastures faster, there's a lot of things that have to get done on a ranch every day.


I can't imagine anybody in the Western industry not having one of these machines. I'm Trevor Brazile and this is my RANGER collection.