Polaris®, the number one off-road vehicle manufacturer, and the Boy Scouts of America, the number one outdoor youth organization, have embarked on a partnership to provide off-road vehicles, safety equipment and ASI Rider Safety Training at Philmont Scout Ranch, Summit Bechtel Reserve and select local camps.
The partnership promotes youth off-road safety practices, environmental respect and the benefits of outdoor activities.
News and Stories
All the latest news on ATV Safety Camp events.

How to Start a Polaris/BSA Safety Program
Learn how Polaris® works with Boy Scouts of America troops to develop ATV safety training programs for young riders.
Shift Your Camp into High Gear!
Polaris Industries Inc. has teamed up with the Boy Scouts of America to provide off-road vehicles, safety equipment and safety training to Philmont Scout Ranch, Summit Bechtel Reserve and select local camps.
The potential of this collaboration is unprecedented and will positively change the face of both Powersports and BSA. For Polaris, the intent of this program is to introduce enthusiastic Scouts to premier ATV safety training and stewardship practices with the hope that they will, in turn, become ambassadors for ATV safety and environmental respect. For the Boy Scouts of America, the intent of the ATV program is for youth recruitment and retention.
Boy Scouts of America council leadership interested in an ATV Safety Program should contact Brian Gray, BSA Program Liaison for more information.
Brian R. Gray, Boy Scouts of America Outdoor Program Team
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane | Irving, Texas 75015-2079
P: 972-580-2288 | C: 214-675-9589
[email protected]
How to Apply BSA Program 15% Discount

Design Your Camp ATV Package
The standard package consists of 5-7 Phoenix 200s and 2 Full-Size models (lead and follow).
This is scalable up or down, depending on your camp/council.
Total, depending on package and units: $27,000 - $35,000. All youth vehicles come with helmets. Additional safety equipment also offered at discount: chest protectors, goggles and gloves.

Ordering Polaris Vehicles
To order your Polaris vehicles and safety equipment, please call the BSA Supply Group Customer Service at 1-800-323-0736.

Register for the Specialty ATV Prep Course
Register for the specially designed ATV Institutes’ BSA Instructor Prep course.
Register early, classes fill up quickly. Two camp representatives are required to attend this course before the Polaris/BSA ATV Rider Safety Program can be offered at camp.
Contact: Lenore Stjerne, ATV Safety Institute: 1-949-727-3727 x3058.
Special Pricing
All Polaris off-road vehicles are offered with the BSA discount.
See special pricing to support and maintain the camps/council in conjunction with the safety program.

Warning: The Polaris Ranger and RZR are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers must be at least 12 years old and tall enough to grasp the hand holds and plant feet firmly on the floor. All SxS drivers should take a safety training course. Contact ROHVA at www.rohva.org or (949) 255-2560 for additional information. Drivers and passengers should always wear helmets, eye protection, protective clothing, and seat belts. Always use cab nets or doors (as equipped). Be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never drive on public roads or paved surfaces. Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. Check local laws before riding on trails. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. Polaris adult models are for riders 16 and older. For your safety, always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing, and be sure to take a safety training course. For safety and training information in the U.S., call the SVIA at (800) 887-2887. You may also contact your Polaris dealer or call Polaris at (800) 342-3764. 2018 Polaris Industries Inc.
Youth models have special age restrictions; the Polaris RZR 170 and ACE 150 are intended for operators age 10 and older, 50-cc ATV models are intended for operators ages 6 and over, 110-cc ATV models are intended for operators ages 10 and older, and the 200-cc ATV is intended for operators age 14 and older. All Polaris youth vehicles require adult supervision at all times for operators under age 16.