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Installing an Audio System on a RZR RS1

The above video demonstrates how to install a Bluetooth® Integrated 200-Watt Audio System by MB Quart® on a Polaris RZR RS1. The kit is part number 2882696. The video includes removing the hood (:49), disconnecting the battery (1:03), removing the visor (1:24), removing the A-pillars (1:42), removing the right-hand rear fender (2:22), removing the outer panel (2:48), mounting the Bluetooth® controller (3:41), installing the amp (4:29), installing the main speakers (8:11), installing the tweeters (9:47), routing and connecting the main harness and wiring (12:07) and reinstalling the body plastics (16:51).

Always wear safety glasses when installing accessories on your vehicle.

Required Tools and Supplies
Safety GlassesTape
PliersDrill and Driver
ScrewdriversTORX® Socket Set
Pick and Hook SetTORX® Screwdriver Set
ScissorsPlastic Prying Tool
Utility KnifeTape Measure
5/64-Inch and 1/8-Inch Bits1-Inch Hole Saw

For more information on tools, read the Tools and Fasteners Guide.

View the instructions for this kit by searching the Polaris Accessory Installation Instruction Site. The instructions include the part numbers for replacement parts, as well as the kits that replacement parts can be found in.

To order a part or kit, see your Polaris Dealer. To find a dealer near you, use the Dealer Locator.

Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth Sig, Inc.
MB Quart® is a registered trademark of Maxxsonics USA Inc.
TORX® is a registered trademark of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC.
YouTube® is a registered trademark of Google LLC

Unless noted, trademarks are the property of Polaris Industries Inc.
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