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Stolen Vehicles

If your vehicle is stolen, please file a police report.

Bring a copy of that police report to your local dealer, along with proof of ownership for the stolen vehicle and a photo ID.

The dealer will document the information on a stolen vehicle report and send it to us.

We will enter the information so the vehicle is flagged electronically. Any time the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is entered, it will be identified as stolen. The VIN will remain flagged until proper documentation is provided and the stolen status is removed from the vehicle. This can help alert law enforcement and hopefully return your vehicle.

Law enforcement officials may also contact an authorized local dealer to report a vehicle stolen. For vehicles that are equipped with RIDE COMMAND+, we may be able to track the stolen vehicle. To request tracking, have law enforcement reach out to: [email protected]. Note: The request must come from a law enforcement agency.

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Mots-clés theft , stolen , vehicle , police ,