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Locating the VIN on Your Polaris Snowmobile

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique number used to identify your Polaris snowmobile. It can be found on the right side tunnel between the certification label and emissions certification label. The VIN can be found on a sticker and also is etched into the tunnel.

VINsnowmobile VIN location

If you are unable to locate or read your VIN but have an engine serial number, use the Contact Us options at the bottom of the page for assistance with vehicle identification. Include your question, the engine serial number and any information about the vehicle that may assist in identification. Note that if you have replaced the engine, this information does not apply. 

Snowmobiles made since 1997 have a 17-digit VIN. Vehicles from before 1997 have seven-digit VINs.

Engine Serial Number

Your snowmobile's engine serial number (1) can be found on the engine recoil cover. The exact location varies based on model. Refer to the Introduction section of your Owner’s Manual for specific information on your vehicle's engine serial number location. 

Engine serial number location

Record your VIN and engine serial number in your Owner’s Manual for easy reference.
Use the VIN search tool to enter your VIN and find your vehicle's year, model, warranty status, safety bulletins, engine serial number and more. To learn more, read Snowmobile VIN Search Tool.

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Mots-clés vin , location , find ,