Caleb Kesterke
DOB: August 6th, 1997
Hometown: Seeley Lake, MT
Career Start: 2012
Born into the backcountry lifestyle, Caleb quickly became obsessed with the mountains and backcountry snowmobiling. Snowmobiling is his biggest passion, and he is determined to turn it into a career and leave a legacy doing what he loves. Caleb owns and operates Proven Progression where he guides and teaches other riders how to be the best rider they can be.

Quick Facts and Achievements
• Started Riding at Age Two
• First Word Ever Said was "mo-mo" (Snowmobile)
• 146" is His Favorite Length of Sled
• Citizenship in Both the US and Canada
• Lifting Weights and Trail Running is His Summertime Obsession
• First Sponsor at Age Fifteen
• Owner of Proven Progression
• 509 Volume 14 and 15 Segment
• First Athlete to Popularize Downhill-Hopovers
“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what sets your heart on fire because what the world needs is more people with their heart on fire.”
“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what sets your heart on fire because what the world needs is more people with their heart on fire.”