Paul Anderson
State: Michigan
Snowmobile: 850 RMK Khaos 155
Favorite Place to Ride: UP Michigan
At the age of 5, Paul was introduced to snowmobiling by his father and uncles and has been addicted ever since. As a kid, he spent many winters riding in the field behind his parent’s house. As he grew up, he transitioned into riding the groomed trails and eventually found that the adventure of riding in the backcountry of Northern Michigan was his passion. Paul has taken that passion and established his career in the powersports industry, while also volunteering his time with various organizations regarding issues in the snowmobile and ORV community. He is the current Chair for the state organization’s Legislative Committee, has presented on Midwest backcountry riding at the International Snowmobile Congress event, and continues to support any cause that helps the motorized recreational community retain access to public land. Not only does Paul think winter 365 days a year, but he has also passed on the addiction to two of his three children that are also die-hard backcountry riders. “There is nothing better than guiding my two kids into the woods and watching them enjoy winter like I do!”.