Robert Glen Schreck
State: Minnesota
Snowmobile: Patriot Boost Indy VR1 137
Favorite Place to Ride: Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin
Rob’s first Snowmobile ride was at 12 yrs. old on a Boy Scout outing riding on an Indy on Medicine Lake in the western Twin Cities, just in front of a then Polaris manufacturing location. He’s been hooked ever since! When he acquired a Cabin in Northern MN in the early 90’s he started exploring trials throughout the area. Rob has a passion for all things outdoors, including hunting, fishing, hiking, ATV/UTV and exploring in general in addition to his responsibilities as the Rugby coach of the local High School Girls team. But, when the snow flies, all available free time points to snowmobiling in the Northwood of Minnesota and Wisconsin. His favorite snowmobiling is when he shares it with Family and Friends and he truly enjoys exposing novices to the sport. “It’s great to take people, young and old, from places in this county that traditionally have very little snow, bring them to the cold snowy woods and prove that with proper training and equipment, true enjoyment can found in the outdoors even with sub-zero temps” As his young family was growing they were always exposed to snowmobiling and now, even though they are mostly grown and scattered around the US, they still get together to take family rides in the woods. The whole family rides Polaris, winter or summer, when asked why Rob responded, “It’s always comforting to trust in the quality on the trail as you are miles and miles away from road access or civilization in general’. When Rob isn’t outdoors or riding, or coaching or planning the next adventure, he’s a Food Ingredient Sales Executive.