Safety Recall - 2011 RZR XP 900 - Divider Panel Heat Shield
>Dear Polaris RANGER Owner:
In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Polaris Industries Inc. has issued a Safety Alert for some Model Year 2011 RANGER RZR XP 900 models.
Some 2011 RANGER RZR XP 900 models may experience hot air leakage from the engine compartment that travels over the service divider panel which can cause deformation of the panel. This hot air leakage into the passenger area can also create elevated air and component temperatures that could cause burns to the occupants of the vehicle. Polaris has developed an aluminum heat shield to deflect the hot air and prevent it from damaging the service divider panel.
Authorized Polaris RANGER dealers were issued Safety Bulletin R-13-03 on April 25, 2013. The Safety Bulletin instructs your dealer to install a new divider panel heat shield. This work will be performed at no charge to you and will take approximately 18 minutes to complete. Please contact your local authorized Polaris RANGER dealer to arrange an appointment so the repair can be completed.
This notice was mailed to you according to our most current registration information. If you no longer own this vehicle, or if some of the contact information (such as your address or name) in this notice is incorrect, please contact your local Polaris dealer to complete a transfer of ownership.
While your Polaris RANGER dealer is in the best position to answer your questions, if you have any questions your dealer cannot address, you may call our Customer Service Department at: 1-888-704-5290.If you need assistance contacting or locating a Polaris Dealer, please call 1-800-POLARIS or visit the Polaris web site at www.polaris.com.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Polaris Off-Road Vehicles