Polaris® RANGER® Celebrates Two Decades of Innovation and Leadership
>Minneapolis, MN (May 2, 2018) – For the past two decades, Polaris RANGER® vehicles have become reliable workhorses for Americans doing a variety of jobs in some of the most unforgiving conditions imaginable.
In 1998 Polaris revolutionized the side-by-side category by debuting the RANGER 6x6 vehicle. Since then, Polarishas continuously set the standard for utility side-by-side vehicles with its industry-leading capabilities and celebrated rolling the one-millionth RANGER off the assembly line in Huntsville, Alabama, in 2017.
To recognize its 20th anniversary and Polaris’ position as the No.1-selling utility side-by-side, Polaris RANGER will celebrate the stories of the owners who made this milestone possible. Polaris is calling upon owners to submit stories about their hardworking RANGER for a chance to win one of three ultimate RANGER experiences.
“While Polaris has been a player in the powersports market for nearly 65 years, we first cut our teeth in the side-by-side category with the groundbreaking introduction of RANGER two decades ago. Since then, we’ve grown to define and set the standard for every category in the side-by-side market, with RANGER continuing to lead the utility side-by-side category year after year,” said Kyle Duea, vice president Off-Road Marketing, Polaris. .
To support the 20th anniversary of RANGER, Polaris has teamed up with champion tie-down roper Tyson Durfey, professional angler David Dudley and TV hosts and professional hunters Lee and Tiffany Lakosky to create the ultimate RANGER experiences. Throughout the month of May, owners are encouraged to submit a video or 300 word-max story about their RANGER and what it has helped them achieve for a chance to win an all-expense paid ultimate rodeo, fishing or hunting adventure hosted by these professionals for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. To learn more about each ultimate RANGER experience visit RANGER20th.com.
“We are celebrating two decades of innovation and best-in-class vehicles thanks to our devoted customers that continue to make RANGER a part of their daily lives,” Duea continued. “The 20th anniversary of RANGER is a celebration of our customers and Polaris’ continued commitment to deliver the hardest working, smoothest riding vehicles that help owners get any job done, from farming to hunting. We are excited to honor them and hear their stories.”
“Creating the RANGER was a team effort. Innovation and breaking new ground does not happen without the people on the team - contributing, listening and pushing,” said Mitchell Johnson, son of David Johnson - one of the founders of Polaris. “The culture at Polaris is one full of passion and an overwhelming desire to help people create lasting memories and experiences with our products. We are looking forward to hearing our costumers stories and learning about how their machine helped them push the envelope or finish an epic project.”
For more information about Polaris and RANGER’s 20th Anniversary, visit RANGER20th.com. Also visit us and join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
À propos de Polaris
Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE : PII) est un chef de file mondial de l’industrie des sports motorisés qui nourrit la passion des conducteurs, des travailleurs et des passionnés de plein air depuis plus de 60 ans. Avec des ventes annuelles de 5,4 milliards dollars en 2017, la gamme de produits novateurs de haute qualité de Polaris comprend les véhicules tout-terrain côte à côte RANGER®, RZR® et Polaris GENERAL®; les véhicules tout-terrain Sportsman® et Polaris ACE®; les motos Indian Motorcycle® de taille moyenne et lourdes; les moto-roadsters Slingshot®; et les motoneiges Polaris RMK®, INDY®, Switchback® et RUSH®. Polaris rehausse l’expérience de conduite grâce à des pièces, des vêtements et des accessoires, ainsi qu’à une gamme de produits destinée au marché secondaire en forte croissance, y compris des produits Transamerican Auto Parts. La présence de Polaris dans les marchés adjacents mondiaux comprend des véhicules tout-terrain militaires et utilitaires, des quadricycles et des véhicules électriques. Basée avec fierté au Minnesota, Polaris dessert plus de 100 pays à travers le monde. Visitez www.polaris.com pour de plus amples informations.