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Polaris Off-Road Product Safety Recall

Polaris Off-Road owners may not always know their recalled vehicle still needs to be repaired. Polaris' new search tool lets you enter a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), search by vehicle information, or select a vehicle in My Garage to learn quickly if a specific off-road vehicle is part of a safety recall.

If you are already aware that your vehicle is affected by a recall and have been working with a dealer, let us help you with the details of your requested repairs.

The image shown is a representation of the vehicle. Color and trim options may vary.

*Save this vehicle to your account for fast access to tools available to you. 

Add to my Garage
Vehicle Added to Garage
This vehicle is already in your account

Select a brand, model year, and model to find out more about a recall.

No se encontraron registros para la búsqueda

Select a saved vehicle from your account.

Actualmente no hay vehículos guardados en su cuenta Mi cochera. Busque un vehículo usando la Búsqueda por número VIN y se le pedirá que guarde su vehículo en Mi cochera para búsquedas más rápidas en el futuro.

Actualmente no hay vehículos guardados en su cuenta Mi cochera. Busque un vehículo usando la Búsqueda por número VIN y se le pedirá que guarde su vehículo en Mi cochera para búsquedas más rápidas en el futuro.

Log in to your account to access vehicles saved to My Garage or add to My Garage to make finding vehicle information fast and easy.

Search for recall information by your VIN.

No se encontró el VIN que proporcionó.

1) Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

2) For location on all Ace models, view the VIN locations article.

1) Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

2) For location on all Sportsman models, view the VIN locations article.

1) Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

2) For location on all GENERAL models, view the VIN locations article.

1) Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

2) For location on all RANGER models, view the VIN locations article.

1) Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

2) For location on all RZR models, view the VIN locations article.

1) Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

2) For location on all Snowmobile models, view the VIN locations article.

Your VIN can typically be found on your registration vehicle title document.

Additional Safety Information

Safety is our number one priority, please have the necessary repairs on your vehicle completed by an authorized Polaris dealer as soon as possible.

What this VIN search tool covers:

  • Safety recalls that are incomplete on a vehicle
  • Safety recalls conducted over the past 15 calendar years

What this VIN search tool does NOT cover:

  • International vehicles
  • Safety recalls that are more than 15 years old
*This information is provided by Polaris for informational purposes, and should not imply that your unit is affected by a recall. If you believe your unit could be affected by a recall, please reach out to your local dealer or Polaris Owner Connections to find out more information.