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A Safer Ride is a Great Ride

Be it on a lake, a river, or the ocean; it's important to prepare yourself for the safest ride for you and your boating crew.

Stay Safer on the Water

Safety on any terrain is an element to riding where you can always learn, advance, and pass along that knowledge to others. Boating is no different. The more you know, the better the experience for everyone on the water.

New to boating? Simply need a refresher?

Our Boating 101 shares some basics for before, during, and after your ride.

Additional Boater Resources

Be it articles, frequently asked questions, or general tips, the Owner's Resources section on our brand websites is an excellent place for more information. This is also where you can find your owner's manual, which is an excellent safety and maintenance guide. They guide on vehicle warnings, protective gear, and operating procedures. Find these things and more for each brand below.

Outside Responsibility

Being a safe boater also means being a good steward of the water and the land surrounding it. Learn more about how you can make an impact by leaving less impact.