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Kyle Smith


State: British Columbia

Snowmobile: Patriot 9R RMK Khaos 155

Favorite Place to Ride: Sicamous, BC

Kyle’s passion for motorized sports started at a young age, thanks to his dad, who has been involved with motocross his whole life. Kyle began racing motocross competitively at the age of 7 years old in Alberta. Sitting inside was not an option, so when the snow began to fall at the farm he would get geared up and go ride the prairies. As soon as Kyle had enough money saved up after high school he purchased his first new sled, a 2013 800 PRO RMK 155 to begin mountain riding with his dad in BC. Every weekend that they could get away they loaded up and headed west chasing the biggest snow storm they could find, on the quest for deep pow.

Kyle’s weekend hobby became his full-time obsession and working for himself from spring until fall allowed him time to spend all winter in Sicamous riding the best terrain BC has to offer. After moving to Sicamous and starting a new business, he is now able to work and play where he lives. Summers are very busy, but he feels the reward is worth it. Kyle rides in the mountains on average 70-100 days per season and is grateful for the opportunity to live and play where he is.

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