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Take the Pledge - ISMA 2021


Trail and riding area access are crucial to the sport of snowmobiling. We all need to do our part to preserve trail access on private and public land, and that starts with Taking the Pledge. Today, the snowmobile manufacturers, clubs, and associations have joined together to Take the Pledge to ride only where it is legal, and to encourage others to do the same. Take the Pledge, and ride responsibly this winter, so we all can keep riding.

  • The Pledge: I realize that illegal off-trail riding is closing access for all snowmobilers and endangering our riding freedoms. This is about more than my personal rights or my wishes – this is about the good of the entire riding community
    • I Pledge to ride off-trail only where I know it’s legal and accepted
    • I Pledge to check before going off-trail if I don’t know
    • I Pledge to protect access for future generations by doing the right thing
    • I Pledge to protect access by encouraging those I ride with to also take the Pledge