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Team Polaris® Dominates RMSHA, Winning 11 of 12 Pro Classes and 26 of 36 Podiums at Lost Trail Hillclimb

Minneapolis, MN (March 14, 2018) – With outstanding team balance and the industry-leading performance of PRO-RMK® snowmobiles, Polaris® hillclimbers dominated the RMSHA Lost Trail Hillclimb, as seven Polaris racers won 11 of the 12 Pro classes, and 11 of the team’s racers captured 26 of 36 available podium spots. Pro racers Justin Thomas and Keith Curtis combined for six wins and 10 podium finishes during the racing March 10-11 at Sula, Montana. Curtis also won Stock and Modified King of the Hill titles, and Thomas won Improved Stock King of the Hill.


Polaris hillclimbers looked perfectly prepared for the upcoming World Championship as they won all Pro Stock and Pro Modified classes at Lost Trail, the second event on the 2018 Rocky Mountain States Hillclimb Assn. schedule. Polaris racers have won 20 of 24 Pro classes this season, including every Stock and Modified class.


In the Pro Stock classes at Lost Trail, Polaris racers earned 10 of 12 podium spots and swept the 700 and 1000 classes with 1-2-3 finishes. Keith Curtis won the 600, 900, and 1000 classes, and Luke Rainey won the 700 class. Les Keller had a second and a third, Justin Thomas had two third-place finishes, and Tanner Meyers was third in 700 Stock.


Polaris racers won three of four Pro Improved Stock classes and swept 700 Improved with a 1-2-3 finish. Justin Thomas won 1000 Improved, Dolan Phelps won the 700 class, and Les Keller won in 600 Improved. Erin Beukelman (900) and Brandon Titensor (700) earned second-place finishes, and Cody Bahny (700) and Phelps (600) took third.


Polaris racers who won the four Pro Modified classes were Aaron Sterck (600), Erin Beukelman (700), Keith Curtis (900), and Justin Thomas (Open).


In Pro Master Stock, Cole Willford won the Stock class and was second in Improved, and Travis Zollinger was second in Stock. Shelley Balls won the Women’s Improved and Modified classes and took second in two other classes. Tayler Meyers earned a pair of thirds. Up-and-coming Polaris racers who won their classes were: Raiden Lutz (Juniors 12-13), Cole Thomas (Juniors), Clancy Meagher (Amateurs Stock), and Tanner Thomas (Amateurs Improved).


Next up for the Polaris hillclimbers is the World Championship Hillclimb in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, March 22-25.


À propos de Polaris

Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE : PII) est un chef de file mondial de l’industrie des sports motorisés qui nourrit la passion des conducteurs, des travailleurs et des passionnés de plein air depuis plus de 60 ans. Avec des ventes annuelles de 5,4 milliards dollars en 2017, la gamme de produits novateurs de haute qualité de Polaris comprend les véhicules tout-terrain côte à côte RANGER®, RZR® et Polaris GENERAL®; les véhicules tout-terrain Sportsman® et Polaris ACE®; les motos Indian Motorcycle® de taille moyenne et lourdes; les moto-roadsters Slingshot®; et les motoneiges Polaris RMK®, INDY®, Switchback® et RUSH®. Polaris rehausse l’expérience de conduite grâce à des pièces, des vêtements et des accessoires, ainsi qu’à une gamme de produits destinée au marché secondaire en forte croissance, y compris des produits Transamerican Auto Parts. La présence de Polaris dans les marchés adjacents mondiaux comprend des véhicules tout-terrain militaires et utilitaires, des quadricycles et des véhicules électriques. Basée avec fierté au Minnesota, Polaris dessert plus de 100 pays à travers le monde. Visitez pour de plus amples informations.


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