Polaris Provides Community Support through Donations, Unique Partnerships and Employee Volunteers
Polaris has a long-standing history of supporting our local communities. Those Geared for Good efforts are of even greater importance during times of need and uncertainly. Polaris and our employees have acted to assist communities during the ongoing Coronavirus situation.
Through the Polaris Foundation, we recently donated more than $220,000 in technology to meet the needs of local students in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa as they transition to distance learning.
“These are unprecedented times with families working to juggle online schooling amidst a myriad of responsibilities as COVID-19 has rearranged all our lives,” said Lucy Clark Dougherty, president, Polaris Foundation. “Polaris is so pleased to donate technology that assists in enabling online learning for families within the communities we operate.”
Donations of iPads, Chromebooks, wireless hotspots, chargers and more were made to:
- Spirit Lake Schools, Spirit Lake, Iowa
- Estherville Lincoln Central Schools, Spirit Lake, Iowa
- Roseau School District, Roseau, Minnesota
- Greenbush Middle River School District, Roseau, Minnesota
- Osceola School District, Osceola, Wisconsin

Our efforts are not limited to donations sometimes they come in the form of unique partnerships. When we learned that Smiths Medical, a leading global manufacturer of specialty medical devices, was looking to ramp up their manufacturing of IV infusion pumps at their Oakdale, Minnesota, facility, we reached out to see how we could help. As a result, several employees from our nearby Osceola, Wisconsin facility volunteered to work with Smiths’ team in Oakdale to help support production efforts. As Smiths continues to assess its needs, Polaris is ready to increase our support as necessary.
And not least, our employee base has found ways to share their time, resources and abilities to make an impact including sewing masks for health care providers in need and utilizing 3D printers to print face shield frames in support of local aid efforts.