The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique code used to identify your specific vehicle. Please enter your VIN below.
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Your VIN number is your access to important information about your vehicle:
- Model Year
- Model Number
- Engine Serial Number
- Factory Warranty
- Extended Service Contract (ESC)
- Guides and Manuals
- Product Recalls
- Safety Bulletins
Safety is our number one priority, please have the necessary repairs on your vehicle completed by an authorized Polaris dealer as soon as possible.
What this VIN search tool covers:
- Safety recalls that are incomplete on a vehicle
- Safety recalls conducted over the past 15 calendar years
What this VIN search tool does NOT cover:
- International vehicles
- Safety recalls that are more than 15 years old
*This information is provided by Polaris for informational purposes, and should not imply that your unit is affected by a recall. If you believe your unit could be affected by a recall, please reach out to your local dealer or Polaris Owner Connections to find out more information.