Polaris Supports H.R. 7665
>"The Administration’s support in granting tariff relief has helped us engage fairly in an extremely competitive industry. We appreciate U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) and U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) for introducing H.R. 7665 that continues this support by extending approved tariff exclusions for a year. Unlike most of our foreign competitors, Polaris has consistently invested in our U.S. employee base and manufacturing footprint, including our operations in Roseau, Minn., and Elkhart, Ind. This bill helps to further protect American jobs, including Polaris’ nearly 9,000 U.S. employees, and provides U.S. companies, like ours, with the additional time necessary to manage the complexity of transitioning suppliers. Extending these tariff exclusions will help support our employees, dealers, local suppliers, and investments in our extensive U.S. manufacturing capability."
-- Polaris Chairman and CEO Scott Wine